Palm Beach County

URGENT ACTION ALERT: Stop SB804, the bad beach access bill!

Written by Surfrider Foundation Palm Beach County Chapter | Feb 28, 2018 7:02:14 PM

Senator Lizbeth Benacquisto (R)

(850) 487-5027

Senator Oscar Braynon II (D)

(850) 487-5035

Senator Lauren Book (D)

(850) 487-5032

Senator Rob Bradley (R)

(904) 427-2085

Senator Jeff Brandes (R)

(850) 487-5024

Senator Anitere Flores (R)

(850) 487-5039

Senator Bill Galvano (R)

(850) 487-5021

Senator Tom Lee (R)

(850) 487-5020

Senator Bill Montford (D)

(850) 487-5003

Senator Keith Perry (R)

(850) 487-5008

Senator Jose Javier Rodriguez (D)

(850) 487-5037

Senator Wilton Simpson (R)

(850) 487-5010

Senator Perry E. Thurston, Jr. (D)

(850) 487-5033

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