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Welcome to the chapter, 2018 Executive Committee members!

On Dec 15th, 2017, our chapter held a much needed elections meeting at The Palm Beach Sailing Club. We had about 13 people show up to learn about Surfrider, and commit to holding a position on our executive committee! Our current members have been working so hard with such a limited amount of resources, that this was a happy and welcomed relief! According to our chapter Secretary, Jennifer Hamilton-Bevan, this is where our 2018 executive committee stands:

Many, many thanks to all of our awesome volunteers! 2018 is looking good already!

We also have some non-executive committee chapter positions that have been filled, and we are just as excited to see new faces in these equally important roles!As exciting as it is to have new members join our chapter leadership, this in NO WAY means we no longer need help from volunteers. WE ALWAYS NEED HELP. Volunteers are the core of our chapter/organization/mission. You guys make all the magic happen! So, please, if you are looking for ways to get involved with Surfrider, don't hesitate to reach out anyway you can. Via social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram), by emailing us, using our website contact form, or signing up through our Volunteer Opportunities page on our website.

Our chapter will be taking some time off to be with our families during the holidays, and hope you do the same! Until next year, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!